How to get a job in fashion. How I got a job at Red Hat Requirements for candidates for vacancies at Red Wings Airlines

Recently I received a call from a friend with whom I had not spoken for a long time. We chatted for a long time, discussing what had happened in each other's lives in recent years. I continued to work in the same large petrochemical holding, albeit in a different direction. She said goodbye to her small business related to the fashion industry and was currently no longer working. We both have adult children, who are thirty years old, and we devoted most of the time of our conversation to discussing their problems. And a friend asked me to help her find a job for her son in the company where I worked.

In the minds of most people, there is a strong opinion that you can get a job in large and successful companies only “through acquaintance.” I didn’t try to dissuade her that the world had changed and simply asked her to drop Andrey’s resume. That was the name of her 32 year old son.

Very soon a resume arrived in the mail. Graduate of Gubkin University of Oil and Gas. Postgraduate studies there (a successful strategy for escaping military service). Work as a junior researcher at some research center at the same institute. Among the acquired skills: core research, laboratory research of the structures of oil-bearing soils and something else of the same kind.

I read and understand, taking into account our standards and requirements, this is not a viable option. Even the president of the company could not accept his nephew with such a set of knowledge and skills.

I would like to explain a little about what it is like to hire an employee to a large company today. The specificity of most of these companies is that any process, be it going on a business trip, receiving visitors, holding a meeting or hiring a new employee, everything is clearly spelled out. Accordingly, all steps related to hiring an employee are regulated. Who carries out the initial selection and interview and how.

It must be said that it is at this primary level that the compliance of the candidate’s competencies (that is, those that he reflected in his resume) with the required competencies of the position is checked. Any vacancy has a set of competencies, such as experience in a certain field, skills, personal abilities, etc. At the same time, not only the skills and abilities themselves are prescribed, but also the criteria by which they can be measured. Personnel selecting job candidates undergo special training courses, including in personality psychology. Sometimes the company tests candidate applicants. As a rule, on-line. The simplest tests are verbal and numerical.

Here is the profile of a real candidate for the position of specialist in the analytical department of one of the companies (without explanatory comments):

After testing or assessing competencies, the candidate’s resume is subject to verification by the Security Service. There they check whether the candidate has had any activities prohibited by law in the past, or maybe he is a shareholder of some closed joint stock company that conducts commercial activities close to the activities of the employer and a conflict of interest may arise. They have their own specifics.

Then one or two more interviews with managers above the level up to the vice president and you can finally be accepted. Everything takes 1-2 months.

I am writing about this in such detail so as not to create the false impression that if “by acquaintance”, then this process can be bypassed. There are too many people and systems involved.

That's why, If you dream of working in a large successful company, then you should not hope for acquaintances. The only advantage of such “acquaintance” is knowledge of the very fact of the organization’s need for an employee, and this can be that very “happy occasion”. For the rest, it’s better to rely on yourself.

Think and try to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What skills do you have, what are your strengths?
  • What achievements are you proud of? Maybe it’s organizing a sports Olympics at a university or supporting an orphanage near your dacha or something else?
  • What is the criterion for achieving results for you?
  • What do you understand the word “initiative” to mean? Is it to be the first to express your idea, opinion, or is it something else?
  • How do you imagine the position you are applying for?
  • What exactly can you give to the company you want to work for?

Perhaps these questions and/or will help you shift your focus inward and understand what you need to be interested in you in the company you dream of working for.

But what to do with your friend’s request? Don't deprive her of hope. I make a decision: to interview him. I'll look at him and maybe I can suggest something useful to this guy.

I’ll write about what came out of this in the article)))

The It’s So Last Season blog appeared when I left my office job and couldn’t decide in which direction to move next. I knew that I had a well-established skill - finding interesting designer clothes for reasonable money, and I thought that, due to my past professional experience (I previously worked as a buyer), I could write about fashion retail in general. It’s strange for me to hear people talk about It’s So Last Season as a fashion blog, it’s not. I don’t consider myself a fashion reviewer or critic; I write about stores, shopping and the fashion market, that is, this is such applied information.

It seems to me that for what I do, it is more important to have a background as a buyer or product manager than an education in the field of fashion, although, of course, you can’t do without general knowledge. Moreover, in our country, due to many circumstances, studying fashion is a completely useless activity; in my opinion, it is better to get some kind of art history education.

What should those who want to write about fashion do? Everything is banal to the point of impossibility: you need to be a real fan and at the same time not be afraid of any work - go to work as an assistant in the editorial office of some magazine, and yes - bring coffee and call a taxi. We do not have the prerequisites for the emergence of local Tavi and bloggers in general who become part of fashion journalism: the situation is completely unsuitable for this. In general, everyone who is going to get involved in fashion needs to take entrance exams: if you don’t pass the tests for IQ, general adequacy and sense of humor - goodbye.

To begin with, I would like to advise you to get the appropriate education. Today there are two strong schools: Parson's in New York and St. Martins in London.

10–15 years ago there was an opportunity for career growth - from a salesperson through a manager to a buyer, or you could grow to a buyer from an assistant buyer. But in 2010, when a huge number of young people would like to work in the fashion industry, I would prefer a person who knows marketing, financial planning and the entire inner workings of our business, especially since now there is an opportunity to get a serious education.

I never thought that I would be a stylist, although I always knew that my work would be creative and, rather, related to television. From my first year of study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Tula Pedagogical University, I worked as a TV presenter and editor of a youth TV program at the regional STS station. After graduating from university, I went to Moscow, attended advanced training courses for television workers and waited for all sorts of job offers. But there were no significant changes in this direction, except for a six-month contract with the TNT channel to work as part of the film crew of the reality show “Hunger” in Berlin.

Immediately after my triumphant return from Germany, my friend and I decided to just have fun (there was a certain amount of money in our pockets and suitcases of clothes and shoes brought as trophies) and began to make our way (by hook or by crook) to the shows of Russian designers - at that time in Moscow There were three fashion weeks. Already on the second day of the shows, people from the industry began to come up to us and take an interest in us, ask questions - but we didn’t know what to answer. We won’t tell you that we came from Tula and are just going to have a look, so we brazenly take seats in the front row. We created a kind of legend about ourselves and from that moment on we became a couple of stylists from Berlin with a gorgeous portfolio (we cut out the pictures we liked from fashionable German magazines and put them in a beech book, which I inherited from supermodel Masha Novoselova). And everything started to spin: we believed in what we were talking about so much that after a couple of weeks we had no doubt that we were super-professionals from Europe. The moral of my story is not that you have to make up legends and lie to everyone, but that you have to believe in yourself, because the cut out magazine pages were 100 percent consistent with our vision, this is exactly the kind of shooting we wanted to do.

It turns out that we lied quite a bit. And even now, when they ask me about the opportunity to become my assistant, I don’t ask to see my work, but offer to bring me those shots that the applicant likes - it immediately becomes clear in what way the person thinks and wants to develop.

I’ll say it banally: in the West this industry has existed and developed for a long time, the rules are clear, everything functions like a clockwork. We are just feeling out how and what should work... Russia is a specific country; here you can’t just pick up and start working like our colleagues abroad. We all reinvent our bicycles, but this is the attractiveness of the profession. Like an extreme sport, you never know what's around the corner.

If you study to become a stylist, then only abroad. There are a huge number of excellent courses both in London and in Berlin, New York and Milan. If we are talking specifically about education, we must understand that it costs money and not everyone can afford it. But in fact, a stylist is an absolutely applied profession: there are certain rules (how and where things are taken for filming, negotiations with customers, etc.), and everything else is experience and the ability to express oneself.

For those who want to engage in fashion professionally, I would advise not to be afraid of anything and to start acting as early as possible, so that, for example, at the age of 18, apply to the editorial office of any magazine and ask to work as an assistant for free. If I weren't afraid, I would have done it. And then my journey would take less time.

Now the Internet is the main opportunity to move towards your goal. There are a huge number of examples of how, with the help of the Internet, people become stars in their profession. Create your own blogs, websites, register on social networks and lead an active life there: find friends, maintain contacts, exchange information. If the internet and all its possibilities had existed when we started, it’s hard for me to imagine who and where I would already be. Believe in yourself and everything will work out.

My education is in management: when you choose a specialty at 16, you hardly think seriously about what you want to become. When I was 20, the Pokrovsky Passage shopping center opened in Yekaterinburg, which was focused on luxury. At that moment, all the luxury in the city was reduced to the Hugo Boss men's store, and for the most part people did not understand why they should spend a lot of money on things. Consumption was completely different. I ended up there as a consultant, and there was no one except me, the administrator of the hall and the owners. I was very lucky to be on that team. We reinvented the wheel from scratch: everything was based on intuition, trial and error analysis. I know that large stores and chains, for example, Bosco di Ciliegi, developed in Moscow in exactly the same way. Most of the people who are now in significant positions in the industry were self-educated.

We do not have a fashion industry in the form in which it exists in Europe or America. There it is clear where to go to study to become a designer or buyer, but here it is unlikely. They teach not only the creative aspect, but also merchandising, store management, etc. There, being a buyer is a profession. With us, everything happens on a whim.

Stores in Moscow are a rather risky project. If it's your own idea, it needs to be clear and understandable to both you and your team so everyone can move in the same direction. The most difficult thing is broadcasting it to others: it is important that your idea is easily read by consultants, PR people, buyers, and accountants. Each person must correspond to the place he occupies. Therefore, when recruiting people for a job, we look at whether the person suits us in spirit, lifestyle, and evaluate whether the person will be comfortable in this atmosphere.

I don’t like the approach “I want to work in a cool project, at least as a salesperson,” which is combined with the idea that the work itself is so-so, but the place is good. It’s better to say right away that you want to do merchandising, PR or purchasing. Even if we cannot hire a person for this position now, we will keep him in mind. If a person is not interested in the work of a consultant, he will not be successful in it and is unlikely to become part of the team.

I respect people's work. Abroad, sales and retail are taught long and hard. We still have some kind of stereotype about this profession, which I don’t quite understand. Firstly, you can earn good money from this, and secondly, it’s interesting, the seller has to communicate all the time. On the other hand, a person working in retail must love things. People who work in stores don't go shopping.

But you need to clearly know what you want to do and where you ultimately want to end up. If you're interested in becoming a financial manager for a chain store, then a startup sales role probably won't be very helpful.

In Europe there is a certain scheme that is difficult to bypass. With our energy, you can quickly achieve results that would take years to achieve in Europe. That's a plus. But we act on the principle “we need to do something and do it quickly, then we’ll figure it out.” This is already a minus.

At first, I was only interested in interior design - space and utensils. It was not possible to enter such a department at the Moscow Architectural Institute, since it was necessary to master drawing, painting and graphics. I studied art history at Moscow State University and worked as a decorator in IKEA showrooms. At IKEA, I first encountered so-called capitalism with a human face - the relationship did not work out.

Thus, I moved from applied arts to clothing. After working as a window decorator and merchandiser for a Danish clothing chain, I received an offer from GQ to become a stylist in the tech and fashion department.

By the middle of the recession, there was a final decline in freelance bookings, and I realized it was time for a change. After some reflection, I identified my main interests for further development: photography and clothing production. Actually, this is what I have been working on for the last year.

Does a person who wants to work in the industry need education? As far as I know, special education does not exist, at least not here and now. Therefore, the best school might be to work as an assistant stylist and/or fashion editor in one of the magazines.

If you want to become a stylist, it's worth considering whether you want to do what you see on the pages of your favorite magazines. Be aware that during the first years you will be engaged in auxiliary activities and routine work. And if the desire does not weaken, be patient and tactful and calmly go up the career ladder.

I have a classic case: I first came to work as a receptionist at Conde Nast. Six months later, I was invited to the Vogue fashion department. And it seems to me that this is how it should be: you need to start from the very bottom: as an assistant, as an intern. Gloss is a cruel world, and only by being an errand person can you understand whether you are ready to devote your life to it. Abroad, the system is just like this: first you study, then you work as an assistant for 10 years, and only then, if you have enough talent and desire, you will be invited to a glossy magazine. Things are different here.

Education is needed. But in our country, unfortunately, they don’t train to be either fashion journalists or stylists. You just need to go and work and read and watch a lot.

Most of those who want to work in fashion initially have a lost professional focus: it seems to them that everything that happens in Moscow is fashion. That blogs, cocktail parties, weeks, shops, filming, letters of guarantee, closed sales - that wonderful world to which they have always strived. And people throw themselves into it headlong, get a job at some retailer, go to Love Boat, occasionally look at, and then cannot understand why they are being scolded by readers (“terrible shooting!”) or buyers (“terrible shooting!”) terrible purchase!").

Meanwhile, everything is quite simple. The Moscow fashion context is deeply provincial. A person immersed in it is cut off from the huge body of knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated in the West, and is deprived of the opportunity to feed from it. As a result, a rather lopsided product comes out from under his hands. There are, of course, exceptions like Vika Gazinskaya or Anya Dyulgerova, who managed to integrate into the Western professional environment, but these are just exceptions. Therefore, I advise anyone who wants to establish themselves in fashion - as a designer, buyer, PR manager - only one thing: save your money and leave. To Paris, Milan or New York. Fashion is there. She's not here.

It’s a little easier for people who write: they can get a job in a licensed glossy magazine, and this is, after all, a channel of communication with the civilized world. While working there, they will at least be able to exchange a few words with Dries Van Noten or look at the living Anna Wintour (from afar, because at all fashion weeks she is accompanied by security guards who do not stand on ceremony with those who get in their way: they may and push). Another thing is that most editors cannot overcome their provincial complex and go beyond the same Moscow context. The most they can do is an interview with Jonny Johansson. Why do I need an interview with him when I’ve already read ten of them? Why not instead talk about his partner Michael Schiller, who became CEO of Acne at age 25? Or, say, did you know that the magazine Acne Paper, about which you talk so much, has a Russian guy as editor? Well, do an interview with him - let him tell you how he did it. That's what's interesting. But no, you are again writing about London Fashion Week and operating with information found on the Internet, piling someone else’s banality onto your own. And all this - with the intonation of a wise man who has seen a lot. Where did you get it from?

Understand that in order for a fashion industry to appear in our country, we must admit to ourselves that we actually don’t know shit. That in relation to the American editor, the Russian is in approximately the same position as a native resident of Khabarovsk - towards the inhabitant of the “patriks”. That we, as Professor Preobrazhensky said to Comrade Sharikov, must “be silent and listen, be silent and listen.” Learn languages, acquire acquaintances from the Western professional environment, travel as often as possible - communicate, listen, absorb. And everything will be fine with us.

» is one of the most developed airlines operating in the Russian Federation. It was created in 2007, before which it was called “Airlines 400”. This airline is the most active operator of domestic passenger aircraft, namely Tu-204 type aircraft. At the beginning of 2015, the company's fleet was quite young, and the average age of aircraft was only 9.3 years. In 2013, this airline ordered thirty more domestically produced aircraft for leasing. At the moment, the Red Wings fleet includes such airliners as Tu-204, Bombardier Dash and MC-21, all of which are quite new.

A large number of passenger aircraft and destinations require a large staff of service personnel, which this company owns. All employees are professional and well-educated, which allows us to provide quality service to both airliners and airline customers. Due to the large amount of work, the company almost constantly requires new personnel. That is why they often recruit employees for open vacancies for a variety of positions. All vacancies require a very careful selection of employees, which takes into account a large number of factors.

Requirements for candidates for vacancies at Red Wings Airlines

The vacancy of a navigator for ground support of airliners requires the recruitment of men who have at least a secondary specialized education. The candidate must have Russian citizenship. If you have a higher education in the field of aviation, the candidate has a better chance of getting this position. A prerequisite is computer proficiency and so-called aviation English. As for the duties, this employee must provide the crew with the necessary information about the flight, and it is also necessary to prepare the necessary navigation calculations. The navigator must timely make amendments and additions to the database of aircraft systems; he monitors the flight. In turn, the airline provides a decent salary, which is discussed during the interview. The work schedule for this position is rotating and a full benefits package is provided.

When selecting employees for the vacancy of a co-pilot, Red Wings requires candidates to provide access to the appropriate international flight lines. A good knowledge of English at least at the second professional level is also required. Anyone wishing to occupy this position must have citizenship of our country and a foreign passport. The most important selection criterion is work experience, which must be at least 500 hours of flight time on first and second class aircraft.

The most common recruitment process is for flight attendants, since this position has a fairly high turnover rate in all airlines. Red Wings provides full-time flight attendants. As for the working hours, it depends on the flight plans of the airline to which the employee will be assigned. As you know, the main task of flight attendants is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers on board an airliner.

When selecting for this vacancy, they do not pay much attention to indicators such as education, gender and place of residence. Sometimes experience in a given field does not matter. In turn, Red Wings requires candidates to have a valid flight attendant certificate. Attention is drawn to the age of candidates, which must be between 19 and 35 years old. All candidates must have Russian citizenship and a foreign passport.

Since this position involves direct contact with passengers, special attention is paid to appearance. Applicants must meet the established parameters and have no physical injuries, scars or tattoos on exposed areas of the body. Knowledge of English is also required, since flight attendants have to communicate with passengers of different nationalities.

Red Wings Airlines regularly conducts advanced training and training for its employees. All this is to better serve passengers who use the services of this company, as well as to maintain a high position among its competitors. Quite harsh selection conditions and constant improvement of service allow this company to meet international standards.

The duties of a flight attendant will include ensuring flight safety and serving passengers on airline flights.
Red Wings flight attendant vacancies require special requirements for candidates. Young people must have citizenship of the Republic of Belarus or the Russian Federation. Age restrictions range between 19 and 30 years. If you have experience in a similar position, then the age limit is from 20 to 35 years. Your education must be secondary specialized.

The following requirements are set for girls:

  • - height from 160 to 175 cm;
  • - clothing size up to 46.

Requirements for boys:

  • - height from 170 to 185 cm;
  • - clothing size up to 54.

The material was prepared based on the responses of three dozen employers in the media business, HR and personnel officers who directly recruit employees.

Where can you get this experience?

There are employers who refuse on principle to hire people without experience (10-20 percent). Not out of harm. Their arguments:
- no time to teach,
- it's wasted time
— applicants do not understand the full responsibility of broadcasting,
— you need to earn money, not teach, etc.

The rest are hired for internships in entry-level and administrative positions. This could be a casting editor, secretary, editorial assistant, technical editor, administrator, transcriber, prompter, stage editor, video archive editor, etc.

It’s better to start at regional radio stations and television companies or in Moscow, but on Internet radio stations, on satellite TV channels and on radio, which is at the bottom of the ratings (there is less money, pathos and more time for interns).

If you are a student, you should start interning as early as your third year. You need to work to have experience by the time you graduate. This will increase your value compared to other graduates.

Where to look for internships and vacancies in MEDIA?

Websites of companies where you want to work (many publish vacancies only on their own, counting on the loyalty of those who respond).

Find the work phone number or email of the HR department, the direct work contact of the potential manager. Send your resume even if there are no vacancies (a phone call from a stranger irritates almost all bosses, so this method of communication should not be used. On social networks, if you are not friends, you will simply end up in spam).

Useful acquaintances. You communicate with a person who knows another right person (for a successful career you need to have a network of useful and reliable acquaintances).

Follow the professional environment: participate in conferences and seminars, shine there, asking smart questions to experts. The fact is that HR people often look for young and inquisitive specialists at such events.

Take part in various company promotions to get noticed.

Life hacks: how to respond?

Read the job posting requirements carefully and only apply if you meet at least 70 percent of the requirements. Otherwise, your letter will immediately go to the trash.

Don't get twisted and don't send your resume in the form of infographics, poetry, etc.

Don't rewrite job responsibilities. Tell us about your successes and achievements, about KPIs, about your skills (what special programs and foreign languages ​​do you speak). Only this can “sell” you.

Sometimes you can also profitably offer your interests and hobbies to an employer (love of TV series, drawing, photography, blogging and the number of subscribers, etc.).

Get rid of cliches and water: young, active, creative, easy to teach, sociable, mobile, stress-resistant, quickly grasp everything, etc. This should not be in your letter! Only specifics and hard rock!

Before you respond, research the company on its website and groups on social networks. Re-read the requirements and responsibilities in the vacancy. Understand what exactly the employer needs and how you can help solve his problem. And if you propose solutions or sketch out a list of specific topics on which you can write materials or film stories, they will definitely not let you through and will call you for an interview.

Check your resume and cover letter for errors.

Never pay for participation in a casting, for getting into the database, for help in finding a job on a particular TV channel. It's always a scam!

Why do employers not really favor graduates of various radio and television schools?

The main reasons: a lot of unsupported ambitions, the price tag does not correspond to the skills and abilities, low literacy levels, speech and problems with diction. Many young people do not know the basics of creating a news release, they swim in stress, and cannot distinguish the main event from the secondary one. They don’t know how to interview, where and how to get the necessary information, how to write summaries to stories, etc.