An effective cure for cancer. Fruit and vegetable juices. Folk remedies in the treatment of cancer

I bring to your attention simple, time-tested, traditional medicine that will help with oncological diseases.

Chickweed (wood louse). Plant juice, strong infusion and decoction are used for local baths and lotions for skin diseases, especially for scabies, bleeding, festering wounds, ulcers, bedsores, tumors, including malignant ones.

This herb with adaptogenic, tonic and immune stimulant properties immune system useful for patients recovering from radiation therapy or surgery; however, as it may interact with other medications, you should consult your doctor first. It is possible that it reduces the reabsorption of estrogen in the colon, so it would also work in the treatment of colon cancer. Many herbalists recommend taking high doses of the extract to supplement conventional cancer treatment; It is very effective when taken along with chemotherapy. Promotes immune function and protects the liver. Ginseng. Due to its adaptogenic and tonic properties, remedies made with its root help in the recovery of cancer patients. A healthy lifestyle is the best way to get around this disease.

Since the development of some forms cancer contributes to a lack of vitamin A in the body, then eat more carrots, spinach, parsley, eggs, animal oil, sea fish liver. Preventive action also has vitamin B 1, contained in cabbage, beets, seeds of apples, cherries, apricots, plums, and buckwheat millet.

Malignant tumors do not like dairy products. In people who drink daily 1-2 glasses of milk or yogurt, kefir or acidophilus, rectal cancer is 3-4 times less common.

Increase your chance of success

Grapes, blueberries and red fruits are rich in antioxidants; Consume them fresh, dehydrated, or in juice as part of your regular diet. Red grapes contain resveratrol, an anti-cancer substance. Other herbs you can add to your diet are garlic and burdock. With antioxidants, coffee is a good preventive agent, but drink it in moderation.

It does not hurt to recommend a healthy lifestyle - the best way to get around this disease. Eat right, including the herbs mentioned, exercise regularly, keep your mind and body free from stress, and avoid carcinogens like tobacco and sunlight.

Green tea slows down the synthesis of the carcinogen nitrosamine in the body, but coffee is a big question mark.

The source is thin-leaved. Pour 8 grams of roots with a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes or keep in a thermos for 4 hours, strain and drink 2 tbsp. spoons 4 - 5 times a day before meals. Store in refrigerator Take warm in cancer mammary gland, lymphogranulomatosis, abscesses, impotence, loss of fertility, as well as the tendency of pregnant women to sudden convulsions with loss of consciousness.

herbal recipes for healthy health. Western and Ayurvedic Perspectives. Herbal Internet Companion. Herbs and herbal medicine online. Seventy-three percent of patients who come to the National Cancer Institute use alternative and additional methods cancer treatments, especially herbal remedies such as calendula, noni and aloe with honey. In addition to these, duck embryos and pimp blood are popular. Doctors do not formulate these remedies, but friends or relatives who know someone who has also suffered from this disease.

From creeping skin cancer, drink 4 cups of celandine grass a day. Pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water, take 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 glasses during the day, 1 glass at night, while you can not use sugar, nothing sweet at all.

Water the wound several times a day with thick yeast, cover it with a cloth moistened with yeast.

The team was formed ten years ago to study the quality of life of advanced cancer patients, who make up the majority of those who come to this organization. In this work, they found that a spiritual quest is important, but we also saw a high prevalence of other types of complementary and alternative therapies, he says.

But Sanchez believes that there may be many cancer patients in the country who are just switching to alternatives to myths and beliefs about common methods treatment, which negatively affects the development of the disease. People use this type of therapy even more in children with cancer than in adults. Not only did the group find that 81% of them get them, but there are nearly 80 treatments. For example, in cases of childhood leukemia, a red fruit diet is most commonly used because the color is associated with blood.

If you sprinkle the beginning open cancer with alum powder, then sometimes you can stop its development.

For stomach cancer drink infusion of birch lye. It is necessary to burn birch firewood, take the ashes from them, pour clean water at the rate of 1 part of ash by weight to 5 parts of water. Put on fire in an enamel saucepan and boil for 10 minutes, strain, pour into jars, close well and keep in a cold place.
Take 50 ml of this alkali mixed with milk or fruit juice and drink before meals 3 times a day. The taste is very nasty, but it certainly retards the growth of cancer, while you can not eat meat.

Although these therapies do not cure or control cancer, the group found some of them to be beneficial. Spirituality has been shown in international studies to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. It clarifies that this is different from being religious: "Going to Mass and praying for life extension is useless," he explains. On the contrary, a spiritual person can be an atheist and realize his situation with values ​​such as kindness. Sanchez's group is currently conducting a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy developed at the institute to find meaning in these patients.

Wormwood common. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed root pour a glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for epilepsy, cancer of the stomach, rectum and uterus, dropsy.

Celandine 50 grams, white mistletoe 50 grams, pink catharanthus 50 grams, chamomile 50 grams, chop, mix.
2 teaspoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for no more than 30 minutes, strain, drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The collection inhibits non-controlling growth of cancerous tumors.

It has also been noted that acupuncture reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and that calendula benefits patients due to its anti-inflammatory ability. But not everything is natural, good, says Sanchez. Although many people consume them, there is no scientific literature on the benefits of noni, blue scorpion, and pimp's blood. In this latter case, the patients accept it because they believe that an animal that eats so much garbage must have an immune system to check everything. They think that drinking their warm blood will therefore pass on antibodies to fight tumors.

Collection that enhances immunity. Peony root, bergenia root, dandelion root, licorice root, chop 50 grams each, mix.
Prepare and take as in recipe number 11.
The course of taking anti-cancer fees 1 month, you can repeat 2-3 times a year. You can take it without interruption if you change the collection from one to another at intervals of 7 to 10 days. It is advisable to start on a waning month.

But this reason, the researcher explains, has no scientific basis. Also, it can be harmful since the pimp is found to have heavy metals that interfere with conventional treatments. Antioxidants are also counterproductive because they protect tumor cells from drugs that attack them.

Doctors almost never discuss these issues with their patients. “When a patient tells you that he is taking anama, another herb that is said to be anti-cancer, they let him take it without knowing if it is causing harm.” This lack of guidance is worrisome as it could remove patients' ability to receive therapy.

Strengthening collection. 1 cup of crushed burdock root, 1 cup of honey, 1 cup of pure medical alcohol, mix everything, insist in a dark, cool place for 7 days, take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink until the mixture runs out, exclude spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as confectionery and flour products from the diet.

There is still a lot of research to know exactly the scope of these treatments. So far it is known that they do not heal. "If someone says it's a liar," Sanchez says. The spiritual, the most studied, has been shown to improve the quality of life, which is very important, because "under these conditions, the patient can be in his five senses, say goodbye to his loved ones and enjoy the time you left."

What is cancer

It consists of eating only organic fruits. Gerson's remedy consists of eating vegetables and old sprouted grains. Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments are? Twenty years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

2 teaspoons of wormwood pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1 month, a break of 3 weeks and repeated at the initial stages of cancer or for prevention.

Geranium is blood red. 1 st. pour a spoonful of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 4 hours, strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

After her diagnosis, she followed the advice of her oncologists at the Cleveland Clinic and underwent a mastectomy followed by many rounds of chemotherapy. Praise God, after all his treatments he was diagnosed as "healthy" and "cancer free". However, in the next few years, she became more ill than at any time in her life and had problems with constipation, candida, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Then, nine years after her first diagnosis, something terrible happened: she was diagnosed with cancer again. She decided to follow natural methods of cancer treatment, focusing on diet and lifestyle. My mother began following a completely natural plan that includes vegetable juice, probiotic foods, immune boosting supplements, stress reduction techniques, and prayer. And only four months later, the tumors in the lungs were significantly reduced, and a year after that, he was again diagnosed as "healthy" and "cancer-free".

Aspen. Infusion and decoction from the inside of the bark of young branches 1: 1, drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

The older we get, the more harmful formations can appear in our body. Most often this happens due to excessive dieting. It is not always necessary to take the advice of nutritionists on faith. Although, undoubtedly, there are useful and even sometimes necessary plant-based diets for weight loss that do not harm, but help the body, but everything needs a measure. With rapid weight loss, there is a risk of development and occurrence malignant neoplasms. To protect the body, it is desirable to eat foods rich in antioxidants. If you have cancer, then this advice: eat more ketchup.

It's been 10 years and my mom recently turned 60. I am often asked, “What exactly did your mother do?” Here are the natural treatments for cancer and the strategies she followed to heal her body. Max Gerson, a German-born American physician, developed one of the most effective natural treatments against cancer over 90 years ago. He completed the "Gerson Therapy", Dr. Gerson has helped hundreds of cancer patients reactivate their body's extraordinary ability to heal itself by recommending.

How does the Gerson Therapy work?

Organic Plant Based Foods Raw Dumplings Coffee Beans Indones Beef. Consists of eating only organic fruits, vegetables and old sprouted grains. Jewelry Treatment of the body from coffee enema as the main method by increasing the parasympathetic nervous system. For patients with cancer, this may take up to five enemas per day. . Mix all the ingredients in a bowl or blender and take them once a day.

Celandine. 1 st. pour a spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, drink 1 tbsp. spoon before meals and between meals.

Maryin root (peony evading). Pour 100 grams of crushed roots with 1 liter of vodka or 75% alcohol, leave for 3 weeks, drink 0.5 - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with a glass of water.

At the primary stages of cancer skin, rheumatism, eczema, bruises and inflammation, lichen, itching. In a bottle 3/4 filled with good cognac, add fine salt to the top and shake, when the salt settles, the medicine is ready.
Drink daily in the morning 1 hour before breakfast, 2 tbsp. spoons, diluting 6 tbsp. spoons of boiling water, and with abdominal colic take every 2 hours.

In an article and video published in the Buddwig diet against cancer. A vegetarian diet has been found to suppress sympathetic function, while the opposite is true with a meat-rich diet. So after dividing patients into different categories based on their metabolic, genetic and physical differences, here are the recommendations.

People with epithelial tumors such as lung, pancreas, colon, prostate, or uterine cancer are prescribed a diet based primarily on plants with little or no animal protein. People with immune blood who are suffering from tumors such as leukemia, myeloma or lymphoma, expose them to a diet high in animal protein, high in fat with minimal to moderate consumption of vegetables. In addition, to reduce inflammation, these doctors recommend taking between meals, 5 g of proteolytic enzyme, 3 times a day.

For external use, the solution is not diluted, using 2 to 4 times a day.
If your head hurts, they rub it upper part head for 15 minutes before bedtime.

From breast cancer with metastases in the lymph nodes, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 40 minutes before eating tincture of the golden mustache.

For throat cancer. Drink birch tar from the 1st drop, adding every day for the 1st and up to 40 and back, from 40 drops to the 1st, break for 7 days and repeat for 1.5 years.

Chelation therapy uses chemicals or natural compounds to remove toxic metals from the body. The word "chelate" means to retain something that describes chelating agents that are capable of retaining toxins. Along with vitamin C chelate, consuming more vitamin C-rich foods may also prevent and fight cancer.

How Cosmetic Makeup Works

Wipe essential oil incense on the neck, three times a day. Also drink three drops in 8 ounces of water three times a day. Probiotics, better known as "good bacteria", are microorganisms that promote a natural balance in your gut microflora. The best way to include probiotics in your diet is the most natural state, which includes raw dairy products like cheese, kefir, and yogurt.

One of the best medicines applied with cancer of the uterus and stomach, has always been considered a pigeon stone, which is formed in the stomach of a dove. It is dried, crushed into powder and given to the patient 1 gram 3 times a day for a month.

Tumor of the uterus. Grind burdock root into powder. Pour 5 grams of powder into 400 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day for 30 days, then a break for 10 days and repeat the course until recovery.

Surgical treatment: surgery to remove cancer and therapy after it

Science continues to support the fact that in order to have a healthy heart, you need high levels of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, the key to keeping your body cancer-free. While the link between curcumin and disease reversal has been extensively studied, the use of this spice in relation to cancer is one of the most extensively studied topics.

Numerous laboratory research cancer cells have shown that curcumin works against cancer. It seems to be able to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing. The use of a hyperbaric chamber is very beneficial for people seeking natural treatments for cancer. Since the air pressure inside the hyperbaric oxygen chamber is about 2.5 times higher than normal pressure atmosphere.

The roots and stalks of white cabbage have always been considered an antitumor agent.

From cracked fingers with skin cancer. Juice of celandine, carrots, vaseline 4: 1: 4, mix thoroughly and lubricate sore spots.

2 teaspoons of calendula pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, drink 100 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Or drink alcohol tincture 30-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Flowers reduce and stop inflammatory processes, heal purulent wounds, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, dissolve and soften hardened swelling, increase the secretion of sweat, urine, bile, and regulate menstruation. They have astringent, antimicrobial and blood-purifying action, soothes nervous system, reduce pressure, enhances the activity of the heart, slows down its rhythm, has an analgesic effect. In the past, marigolds were called an herb for cancer.

2 tbsp. spoons of tricolor violet pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist, strain, drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day after meals in the treatment of cancer of various locations.

Alder sticky or black. Pour 30 grams of crushed leaves with 400 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours, strain, drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for cancer of the breast, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, rectum , throat and uterus.

2 tsp pharmaceutical preparation Befungin (chaga) pour 3/4 cup of warm boiling water, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals in the treatment of malignant tumors, chronic gastritis and low intestinal tone.

5 - 6 chopped horseradish leaves, together with roots, insist in 0.5 liters of vodka for 7 days, strain, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for lung cancer.

Angelica. 6 art. spoons of chopped rhizomes with roots, pour 400 ml of hot water, boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain, drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day after meals for oncological diseases.

Existing methods of cancer treatment guarantee success only in the early stages without metastasis. Even the most effective ways Cancer treatments do not guarantee the absence of tumor recurrence in the future. All modern methods of cancer treatment are based on eliminating the consequences of certain changes in the human body. The tumor is removed, not its cause. Radical methods of treating oncology have not yet been invented, so it is too early to talk about a complete victory over this disease. But in most cases, cancer treatment methods can prolong the life of the patient and improve its quality.

The most modern and effective basic cancer treatments

Currently, the following main methods of cancer treatment are used in official medicine, which are:

  • Removal of the tumor. Since tumor cells can also be found outside the tumor, it is removed with a margin. For example, in breast cancer, the entire breast is usually removed, as well as the axillary and subclavian lymph nodes. If, nevertheless, there are tumor cells outside the removed organ or part of it, the operation does not prevent them from forming metastases. Moreover, after removal of the primary tumor, the growth of metastases is accelerated. However, this method often cures malignant tumors (such as breast cancer) if the operation is done for enough early stage. Modern methods of cancer treatment are such that surgical removal of the tumor can be carried out both with the help of traditional cold instruments and with the use of new instruments (radio frequency knife, ultrasonic or laser scalpel, etc.). For example, the most modern methods of treating laryngeal cancer (stages I-II) using a laser with direct laryngoscopy allows the patient to maintain an acceptable voice and avoid tracheostomy, which is far from always possible with traditional open surgeries (not endoscopic). The laser beam, compared to a conventional scalpel, reduces bleeding during surgery, destroys tumor cells in the wound, and provides better wound healing in the postoperative period.
  • Chemotherapy. Drugs are used that target rapidly dividing cells. Drugs are effective methods of cancer treatment, since they can suppress DNA duplication, interfere with the division of the cell membrane into two, etc. However, in addition to tumor cells in the body, many healthy ones, for example, stomach epithelial cells, also actively and rapidly divide. They are also damaged by chemotherapy. Therefore, chemotherapy leads to severe side effects. When chemotherapy is stopped, healthy cells regenerate. In the late 1990s, new drugs came on the market that attacked the proteins of tumor cells with little or no damage to normal dividing cells. Currently, these drugs are used only for certain types of malignant tumors.
  • Radiotherapy. Radiation kills malignant cells by damaging their genetic material, while healthy cells suffer less damage. For irradiation, X-rays and gamma radiation are used (short-wavelength photons, they penetrate to any depth), neutrons (have no charge, therefore they penetrate to any depth, but are more efficient with respect to photon radiation; their use is semi-experimental), electrons (charged particles penetrate to a conventionally shallow depth, up to 7 cm, using modern medical accelerators; are used to treat malignant tumors of the skin and subcutaneous cells) and heavy charged particles (protons, alpha particles, carbon nuclei, etc., in most cases semi-experimentally ).
  • Photodynamic drug therapy- these are the most effective methods of cancer treatment, since they can destroy the cells of a malignant tumor under the influence of a light flux of a certain wavelength (photohem, photoditazin, radachlorin, photosens, alasens, photolon, etc.).
  • hormone therapy. Cells of malignant tumors of some organs react to hormones, which is used. So, for prostate cancer, the female hormone estrogen is used, for breast cancer - drugs that suppress the action of estrogen, glucocorticoids - for lymphomas. Hormone therapy is a palliative treatment: it cannot destroy the tumor on its own, but it can prolong life or improve the chances of a cure when combined with other methods. As a palliative treatment, it is effective: in some types of malignant tumors, it prolongs life by 3-5 years.
  • Immunotherapy. The immune system seeks to destroy the tumor. However, due to a number of reasons, it is often unable to do so. Immunotherapy helps the immune system fight the tumor by making it attack the tumor more effectively or by making the tumor more susceptible. Sometimes interferon is used for this. The vaccine of the American oncologist William Coley, as well as a variant of this vaccine - picibanil, are effective in the treatment of certain forms of neoplasms.
  • Combined treatment. Each of the methods of treatment separately (except palliative) can destroy malignant tumor, but not in all cases. To improve the effectiveness of treatment, a combination of two or more methods is often used.
  • Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a technique for using deep cold obtained through liquid nitrogen or argon to destroy abnormal tissue. Cryotherapy is otherwise called cryosurgery or cryodestruction, since these terms are of foreign origin. In Greek, "cryo" means "cold" and "therapy" means "treatment." Cryotherapy refers to conventional cancer treatments. With the help of deep cold, some types of malignant, as well as benign tumors. When cells are frozen, the ice crystals that form in and around the cell cause them to become dehydrated. At this point, there is a sharp change in the pH value and the restriction of blood flow in such a way that the frozen cells can no longer receive nutrients. Cryotherapy can be used to treat various malignant tumors and precancerous conditions. It is especially effective in removing abnormal cells in cervical cancer and basal skin cancer cells. However, many studies have shown that cryosurgery can be successfully used to treat other types of cancer, such as localized prostate and liver cancer, retinoblastoma, squamous cell carcinoma skin. Research is underway on the use of cryotherapy for other types of cancer.
  • To alleviate the suffering of terminal patients (hopeless, dying), drugs are used (to combat pain) and psychiatric drugs (to combat depression and fear of death).

Surgical treatment: surgery to remove cancer and therapy after it

Surgical treatment of cancer continues to occupy the first place, since it is not only a therapeutic method, but also a diagnostic method. In the early stages of the development of malignant tumors, it gives certain chances for a cure. So, according to different authors, the five-year survival rate among radically operated patients with stage I lung cancer is 48-61%, stomach - 25-42%, while in the group of patients with stage III it reaches only 9-18%.

However, in practice, due to the difficulties early diagnosis oncology internal organs, an operation to remove cancer is most often performed in the later stages of tumor development, when metastatic nodes already exist in the body. In this case, there is a danger of increased growth of metastases. The manifestation of the so-called explosive ability of cancer is mentioned in many literary sources. Cases of intensification of the metastasis process as a result of surgical interventions performed both with the removal of the primary tumor and after palliative operations are described. This phenomenon was also reproduced in the experiment (in particular, in our studies).

Considered serious complication surgical treatment patients with malignant tumors were initially explained by the massive influx of tumor cells into the bloodstream during surgery. Based on these ideas, N. N. Petrov in the 1950s developed the principles of ablastic and antiblastic - a system of measures that includes the most gentle attitude towards the tumor during surgery (minimal trauma), as well as the maximum possible radicalism of operations. After surgery to remove cancer, serious therapy with other methods is required to prevent recurrence.

The results of studies on the detection of tumor cells in the blood showed that, if the rules of ablastic and antiblastic are observed, the number of tumor cells in the blood and the activity of metastasis are lower.

The current concept is: if a diagnosis of "malignant tumor" is made, it is necessary to proceed with complex treatment. First of all, the problem associated with the removal of the bulk of the tumor is solved. Removal of the tumor is to a certain extent beneficial for the body, since the source of intoxication and inhibition of the body's defense systems by the products of tumor decay is removed. The main role in this task is played by surgical method. However, it must be remembered that the body should be prepared for surgical treatment.

Currently, there are opportunities to help the body: for this purpose, adaptogens are used, which have a stress-regulating effect, reducing the likelihood of an outbreak of metastasis. This was proved by us in the experiment, as well as in the course of a study involving patients with malignant tumors of the larynx and pharynx. Some patients (50 people) constituted the control group; they received the entire modern complex of surgical treatment (radical removal of the tumor). Patients from another group (50 people) 7-10 days before surgery and at least a month after it received golden root extract (started with 10 drops in the morning, and then the dose was determined by the blood picture). In these patients, the number of postoperative complications was significantly less. There were practically no severe complications associated with a violation of the regenerative properties of tissues, the altered immunological parameters. The long-term results were also better: a smaller number of patients had metastases and tumor recurrences.

Therefore, the appointment of adaptogens during the period of surgical intervention is necessary, as it helps to increase the real chances for a practical cure. During the operation, preparations of the golden root (rhodiola), eleutherococcus, ginseng, leuzea, etc. are successfully used.

Cancer treatment with cytostatics and chemotherapy: video, complications, recovery and consequences in oncology, how it is done

Treatment with cytostatics is used everywhere, as it gives a visible result in a short time. TO modern methods The treatment of malignant tumors includes the so-called cytostatic therapy, which includes the use of chemotherapy and antitumor antibiotics, as well as radiation therapy. With all the difference in methods in both cases, along with tumor, normal tissues are affected to one degree or another, which is the main obstacle to a complete cure. Therefore, the treatment of cancer with cytostatics is a complex and dangerous process for the body.

The first results of treatment with the use of chemotherapy in oncology, both in the experiment and in the clinic, gave encouraging results: tumors quickly decreased, and sometimes completely resolved. However, it soon became clear that such treatment of cancer with chemotherapy has very limited possibilities, and in addition, it causes a number of complications. The fact is that the principle of action of cytostatic methods is to disrupt cell division. With increasing doses of cytostatics, not only tumor cells are damaged, but also normally dividing cells, which leads to impaired hematopoiesis, a decrease in the number of white blood cells, impaired immune cell function and natural defense (phagocytosis). At a certain stage, this becomes an insurmountable obstacle to completing the course of chemotherapy necessary for the final destruction of the entire mass of tumor cells. As a result, temporary inhibition of tumor growth after the forced termination of the course of treatment is sometimes replaced by its very rapid development.

A terrible complication of treatment with cytostatics, in addition, is the emergence of tumor cells that are resistant to the treatment, which subsequently become the foci of a new process. The most serious consequences of chemotherapy in oncology - pathological change the immunological status of the body, associated with dysfunction, primarily of the hematopoietic and endocrine systems. Nevertheless, certain successes are also evident in the use of these drugs in the clinic, up to the achievement of a complete cure for such tumor diseases as Burkitt's lymphoma, seminoma, nonseminoma testicular tumors, and choriocarcinoma. Chemotherapy has become the main method in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoproliferative diseases and a necessary component in the treatment of solid tumors, along with surgical and radiation treatment. You need to know about the consequences of chemotherapy in oncology and recovery of the body in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Unfortunately, the invention of new powerful sources of radiation energy, the synthesis of new cytostatics did not lead to significant progress in the treatment of cancer. Now the need is already obvious, on the one hand, to find ways to enhance the effectiveness of cytostatic therapy, weakening it. unwanted actions, and on the other hand - the search for fundamentally new ways of influencing the tumor process. Depending on how chemotherapy is administered for oncology, the risk of adverse effects may decrease or increase. Watch the video of chemotherapy for oncology and its Negative consequences for the patient's body:

In recent years, the hyperthermia method has come into practice: heating the patient under anesthesia to 43 ° C, while introducing small doses of cytostatics, the effect of which on the tumor under these conditions is significantly enhanced.

In search of new ways, researchers turned to natural remedies, highlighting for priority study those that were most popular in traditional medicine in the treatment of cancer.

The researchers found another important fact. It turned out that if a center of regeneration (that is, restoration) of normal tissues is caused in the body, then substances that inhibit the growth of tumors will be released into the blood. If adaptogens or, in general, substances that stimulate the regeneration of normal tissues are used, the formation of these substances in the body increases, and the inhibition of tumor growth also increases.

It is necessary to learn the basics of interaction with Nature and the use of natural remedies. We have even developed a program for natural therapy, a project for an oncological rehabilitation center, but all undertakings and attempts to somehow educate doctors run into a wall of misunderstanding on the part of medical officials. We acknowledge that so far, naturopathy interferes with the well-functioning flywheel of the pharmaceutical industry, which often pursues commercial goals. From a human perspective, naturopathy should interact with the pharmaceutical industry.

Radiation treatment of cancer with chemotherapy and radiation

Canadian scientists have proven that radiation chemotherapy in oncology causes irreversible changes in the brain. However, cancer treatment with radiation is the most effective and is used in the vast majority of patients.

Chemotherapy is considered one of the most effective methods treatment of oncological diseases, despite the fact that the side effects of its use have long been known. However, Canadian scientists have found another factor worth thinking about.

The experiment involved volunteers, former cancer patients who underwent cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiation, and they managed to get rid of a serious illness. Under the control of special equipment, the study participants performed certain tasks to check the activity of their brain. Todd Handy, professor of psychology at the University, noted that these people took several minutes to focus on the purpose of the example. While the female subjects thought they were focused on a task, in fact, most of their brains were "off". At the same time, the activity of their brain at rest was practically no different from the work of the brain of those who were not exposed to chemotherapy. The cognitive abilities of people who survive chemotherapy become unstable and lose focus, the scientists conclude; cognition - the ability to absorb and remember material.

The radiation method of cancer treatment leads to metastases: Michigan State University researchers have found that chemotherapy drugs actually allow cancer cells to take root in the bones. Once in the bone marrow, cancer cells begin to multiply very quickly, promptly restoring their pool after any losses. Scientists suggest the existence of mechanisms that lead to the spread of cancer in the bones during chemotherapy. Many types of cancer, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer, often spread by metastasizing to the bones. Principal investigator Laurie McCauley believes their results provide insight into why some cancers metastasize to the bone. The researchers eliminated one of the cellular mechanisms that drive spread for the drug cyclophosphamide. After blocking one of the cellular proteins - CCL2, they managed to prevent the appearance of tumors in bone tissue. This study is a pilot study (carried out to assess the feasibility, time required, costs, presence or absence of side effects and estimates), and in the future, scientists plan to further study the mechanisms that lead to the spread of cancer cells after chemotherapy.

At the same time, it is no secret that most chemotherapy drugs are cell poisons. Their cytotoxicity is based on a violation of the process of cell reproduction. By acting on actively multiplying tumor cells, chemotherapy simultaneously destroys healthy, fast-growing cells of the body. For example, hair cells digestive system and bone marrow. Every year more than 1 million cancer patients receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or both. Despite this, the overall effectiveness of chemotherapy remains too low.

Perhaps chemotherapy is not the way to go. There are many studies confirming the powerful anti-cancer potential of nature's gifts. For example, oriental mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables and the sunshine vitamin (vitamin D). Maybe you should take a closer look at the alternatives? The problem is that natural remedies don't make money for the pharmaceutical lobby, so studying them isn't profitable.

Among all the ways to deal with oncological diseases chemotherapy occupies one of the most important places. Many people pay tens of thousands of dollars for a chance to prolong their lives or be cured of this disease. Meanwhile, these expensive and highly toxic drugs often give only a few months of life, or even bring death closer, only increasing the growth of metastases. The biggest disadvantage of this procedure is that, along with infected cells, chemotherapy destroys healthy cells. These toxic substances of therapy are especially detrimental to the bone marrow that produces blood, to the reproductive, and also to the digestive system.

If you are undergoing chemotherapy and you no longer have immunity because chemotherapy destroys it (even doctors admit this), any common infection can kill you. The common flu could be the end for you. For example, a staph infection from processing raw chicken can be the beginning of the end for a cancer patient who continues to receive chemotherapy. Catch E. coli or salmonella and it will kill you. A simple food poisoning from fast food will turn out to be fatal for you.

During chemotherapy and radiation therapy, a simple cold or flu can cause death because you no longer have white blood cells to fight infections. Of course, you can't calculate all the deaths caused by chemotherapy, because hospitals and oncologists can always say that "the cancer has spread" and this is the cause of death.

It is fairly easy to catch a supermicrobe in a hospital, i.e. a virus and/or bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and it is not uncommon these days. So your hospital room could very well be a breeding ground for infectious pathogens, and that's where you can pick up something life-threatening. Often this is exactly what happens.

More than 20 years ago, the question of the effectiveness of cytotoxic chemotherapy was first thoroughly asked by an epidemiological oncologist and medical statistician, Dr. Ulrich Abel from the Cancer Center German city Heidelberg. After analyzing thousands of publications in oncological journals and collections, talking personally with hundreds of specialists from different institutes, he summarized the results in a fundamental article. Here are his findings:

  • Chemotherapy does not increase patient survival or improve their quality of life for most of the most common types of cancer (breast, prostate, stomach, colon, lung, brain, etc.), where it is, nevertheless, massively used.
  • About 80% of all cases of chemotherapy use have no scientific justification.
  • Only in about 3% of cases of some rather rare forms of cancer (lymphogranulomatosis, childhood leukemia, testicular cancer in men, and one form of ovarian cancer in women), chemotherapy can contribute to a complete cure.

Particularly tragic is the well-known fact that patients initially subjected to several sessions of chemotherapy often lose the opportunity to benefit from non-toxic, immunostimulating, biotherapeutic methods. And since chemotherapy still doesn't cure 96-98% of all cancers, those who receive it have few chances of recovery.

Characteristically, the citation index of this fundamental publication is very low. Not because of her lack of information; on the contrary, because of its absolute indisputability by specialists to this day.

According to the leading oncologist and chief physician of the Health Center for Space Technologies, Professor Neumyvakin (Germany), Elena Seewald, without the use of chemotherapy, it is possible to get rid of the tumor by alternative methods up to 100% of patients, which are used in the named center. But even one chemotherapy will cause an irreversible oncological process.

Best New Ways: Alternative Innovative Cancer Treatments

These are new ways of treating cancer, not fully tested types of therapies that are at the stage of scientific, clinical research and experiments that have not been included in the therapeutic standards adopted in WHO oncology. The effectiveness and safety of any experimental technique requires further study, since there is no complete information about the effect of new cancer treatments on cancer cells and the body. However, it is assumed that there is a scientific hypothesis that explains what effects are expected and why. Experimental treatments require sufficient scientific evidence and clinical trials. Applying alternative cancer treatments to patients is difficult and requires a different legal framework than standard therapy. Innovative cancer treatments can be effective, but their implementation in healthcare practice depends on the implementation of complex administrative procedures that are now standardized in all countries.

Experimental best cancer treatments are an important part of medicine, without which development is impossible. Standard Views modern therapy at one time were also experimental. Until the middle of the 20th century, experimental methods of treatment were not regulated in any way. Often, experiments were carried out on people without their consent or without full awareness of the treatment. This has necessitated the creation of international regulations that protect the health of people involved in therapy (GCP guidelines). These rules regulate the use of experimental treatments. Currently, the use of experimental methods of treatment can only be carried out on volunteers with their written consent to treatment and full awareness.

Types of experimental treatment

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) - to destroy the tumor.

  • Gene therapy- for people genetically predisposed to malignant tumors. Gene therapy is the introduction of genes into a tumor that cause cells to die (spontaneously or under the influence of chemotherapy) or prevent them from multiplying.
  • cryoablation- the process of local freezing and devitalization of tissues, which makes it possible to purposefully create a zone of necrosis of the required shape and size for the destruction of the affected tissue and healthy cells adjacent along the edge.
  • local hyperthermia. A session of heating tumor tissues to a temperature that causes their death. Hyperthermia sessions require special equipment. Not to be confused with hot tub physiotherapy, sometimes referred to as a "hyperthermia session".
  • Angiostatic drugs- drugs that interfere with the formation of capillaries in the tumor, after which the tumor cells die, deprived of access nutrients. Some angiogenesis blockers are already used in oncology, but the study of new pharmacological substances continues.
  • Laser therapy- a method based on the transformation of the light energy of the laser beam into heat: the temperature inside the gland reaches 60 ° C for several seconds. Against the background of this temperature, cell death rapidly develops.
  • Use of anaerobic bacteria to destroy the central part of the tumor, where drugs do not penetrate well. The periphery of the tumor is well destroyed by chemotherapy.
  • Vaccination against malignant cells.
  • Multi-component systems in which several drugs are simultaneously prescribed that have a synergistic effect. This allows you to get healing effect with lower doses of drugs than standard chemotherapy. Multicomponent systems are attempts to combine the principles of classical and holistic medicine.
  • Nanotherapy- the introduction of nanorobots into the human body, which either deliver the drug to the desired point, or attack the malignant tumor and its metastases themselves (can be combined), can also be used to monitor the state of the human body for a long time. A promising technology for the future, currently under development.
  • Neutron capture therapy. The introduction into the body of special non-radioactive medicines that selectively accumulate in a cancerous tumor. After that, the tumor is irradiated with a stream of weak neutron radiation. Medicines actively react to this radiation and amplify it many times inside the tumor itself. As a result, the cancer cells die. At the same time, the total radiation doses that a person receives are much lower than when using conventional radiotherapy. Promising high-precision and safe therapy. Currently, research is underway related to the creation of nanotechnologies designed to improve the delivery of such drugs to the tumor.


  • unpredictability of action. Less information about possible side effects compared to conventional therapy.
  • Difficulty in finding an organization that provides effective treatment.
  • The need to pay for therapy if the patient is not participating in clinical trials.

Found a new cancer vaccine against malignant cells

Scientists have found a vaccine against cancer: The therapy aims to teach the body to recognize the molecule found in 90% of all cancer cells.

Preliminary tests have shown that a cancer vaccine can turn on the immune response against cancer cells and suppress the disease. Scientists believe the vaccine could be effective against small tumors and also help treated patients who fear relapse against malignant cells.

Normally, cancer cells do not elicit a response from the body's immune system because they are not recognized as a threat. Cancer vaccine developed by pharmaceutical company Vaxil Biotheraputics, together with specialists from Tel Aviv University, aims to train the immune system to respond to the MUC1 molecule found in the vast majority of cancer cells. The molecule is also part of ordinary cells, but its amount in them is too small to cause a reaction. ImMucin, after only two to four injections, elicited a specific immune response to cancer cells in all ten patients in the first tests. Tests of a new cancer vaccine were held at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, according to their results, three test subjects who suffered from blood cancer were completely cured, and seven improved.

Treatment against cancer with dendritic cells

Dendritic cells against cancer are a kind of “command cabin” of immunity within the body. Dendritic cell vaccination is a cancer treatment that uses the remarkable ability of dendritic cells to designate an antigen (the hallmark of cancer). Dendritic cells convey information about antigens to immune cells called T cells, which, with the provided identification marks (CTL: cytotoxic T lymphocytes), recognize and specifically attack cancer cells that have this antigen. It is a treatment that focuses only on cancer cells by relaying information about the cancer to dendritic cells.

Healthy cells are not attacked, so side effects practically absent. Since there is no great burden on the body, this type of treatment is suitable for patients with advanced oncological diseases. Cancer cells are recognized and attacked at the molecular level, and as a result, an effect can be expected in the treatment of the smallest unrecognized lesions, as well as in the treatment of cancer with dendritic cells of the infiltrative type, which is difficult to remove surgically.

Perhaps outpatient treatment. Once every 2 weeks, a small amount of blood is taken from a vein (25 ml). Monocytes are isolated after cell division, which are cultivated a large number dendritic cells. By cultivating cells with a cancer antigen derived from the patient's tumor cell material or artificial antigens (long-chain peptides), a dendritic cell vaccine is obtained. The cancer vaccine is given by subcutaneous injection into a nearby area. lymph node associated with the location of the focus of the disease. Killer T-lymphocytes, supported by T-helper cells, which transmit information about target cells, attack cancer cells.

The course of treatment with dendritic cells takes about 3 months, during which the patient donates blood every 2 weeks and receives an injection of the prepared vaccine. Taking blood from a vein (each time) takes about 5 minutes. A new vaccine is prepared every 2 weeks, there is no need for freezing, which allows a fresh vaccine to be administered each time.

The Japanese are especially successful in this area. I must say that cancer cells have many types of antigen (identification marks). However, sometimes cancer cells hide these identifying marks to evade immune system oversight. Accordingly, the more information that indicates cancer cells (peptides) in a vaccine, the higher the probability of detecting cancer cells and, as the results of clinical studies show, the more effective the vaccine will be. Many Japanese medical centers have been successful in preparing high efficiency dendritic cell vaccines with long chain peptides WT1, NY-ESO-1 and others.

Due to the function of memory T-cells, the therapeutic effect of the vaccine lasts for a long time, therefore this treatment meets the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment according to the irRC system (immune response of related criteria).

Cell division is carried out in a highly sterile culture center, completely isolated from contact with the outside world. The level of sterility of laboratory equipment in the manufacture of vaccines can compete with the so-called clean room - sterile rooms used in the pharmaceutical industry. Impeccable control is carried out in order to prevent bacteria and viruses from infecting important immune cells for the patient. A system for preventing the human factor has been developed: the entire process of cell cultivation is carried out under the control of computer systems.

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