Unsaturated fats - a list of products. vegetable fat.


We all know that chocolate, cakes, ice cream and biscuits are the foods which "gift" us with the most calories. You can deny yourself the consumption of these goodies as often as you like, but this will not save you from the calories that are hidden in other foods that we consume much more often than the above desserts. And if you are serious about preparing your body for the beach season, you might find it helpful to learn more about some of the products that do their "dirty work" invisibly., adding to our body more than one hundred extra calories daily.

1. Mayonnaise.

How to limit consumption? Replace mayonnaise with low-fat dressing by adding a little soy sauce or balsamic vinegar to your salad. Even better - use regular fat-free (or low-fat) unsweetened yogurt. You can also add your own sauce with so-called homemade cheese (cheese "cottage"). Stop adding mayonnaise to a salad with chicken or tuna - try adding greens, black pepper and a little tomato instead.

2. Nuts.

How to limit consumption? It must be remembered that, in spite of everything, nuts are the most important part balanced nutrition. And even if the fat content in this product is very high, nuts do not contain cholesterol, and fats are the so-called good monounsaturated variety. But if you are concerned about the problem of getting rid of extra pounds, it makes sense to stop eating handfuls of nuts every day. It is also worth choosing nuts with the lowest fat content: for example, the same almonds.

3. Creamer for coffee.

How to limit consumption? Despite the fact that you hate coffee without cream, cream should be eliminated from your diet completely, as they are a real repository of harmful saturated fat. There is no other way to stop adding cream to coffee! However, it is possible to use skimmed (or low fat) milk. If you don’t have a refrigerator (for example, at work), you can use milk powder - everything is better than adding cream!

4. Peanut butter.

How to limit consumption? Despite the fact that this product is rather typical for American and Western European cuisine, the fashion for peanut butter is beginning to gain momentum in our country as well. And no wonder - peanut butter is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats. However, your waist will not thank you if you abuse this product. However, now you can find analogues of this oil that do not contain sugar. Of course, the amount of fat from this will not decrease, but the calories will decrease. It is recommended to consume no more than four teaspoons of peanut butter per week - and try to eat it only as part of sandwiches.

5. Potato chips.

How to limit consumption? If you often buy chips, read the information on the product packaging - the amount of fat and calories varies, depending on the manufacturer and brand. However, chips - this is the product in whose justification there is practically nothing to say. It makes sense to replace it with ordinary popcorn - of course, not purchased, but self-made. Even saltine crackers contain less fat than crisps, although this is not the best option. As a last resort, choose variations of these foods that do not contain trans fats.

6. Cheeses.

How to limit consumption? Whenever possible, always choose low-fat cheeses (like the aforementioned "cottage" cheese, or variations thereof). In harder cheeses, such as cheddar, gouda or parmesan contains much more fat. Try to cut down on foods that contain a large number of cheese. We are talking about products such as pizza, macaroni and cheese, as well as various hamburgers and sandwiches widely offered in fast foods.

7. Red meat.

How to limit consumption? If you compare red meat (pork and beef) with other foods on this list, the percentage of fat does not seem that much. However, the problem is that we eat meat much more often and in much larger quantities than, say, the same peanut butter. Buy lean meats (veal, meat of animals obtained by hunting, poultry meat). Eat fish meat more often than red meat. When cooking meat, try to remove as much fat as possible. Avoid consumption of products where fat is clearly visible - salami, homemade sausage, and so on.

8. Pies and flour products.

How to limit consumption? Bad news for all those who love to bake and eat pies: this dish is literally teeming with some of the most harmful fats for the body. And don't be fooled by the fact that pies are in eighth place on this list in terms of the amount of fat they contain.- we can eat a pie much more than the same mayonnaise, which comes first. It is worth limiting the consumption of this type of product if you want to lose extra pounds and improve heart health. Replace it with whole grain or rye flour baked goods.

9. Deep-fried dishes.

How to limit consumption? Deep-frying has never been considered a healthy option for any of the dishes. It is better to eat fried donuts or cook sausages on the grill (which is also far from the most useful things!) than to cook deep-fried dishes. We recommend that you also consider any other cooking options - fry, stew, bake - but try to avoid deep-fried foods.

10. Avocado.

How to limit consumption? As you know, the so-called monounsaturated fats contained in avocado fruits are also a necessary part of a balanced diet. But excessive consumption of this product will lead to the appearance of extra pounds so don't eat more than one medium serving of this fruit per week. There are lovers of flavoring this product with mayonnaise, we recommend that you abandon this habit so as not to aggravate the situation, but add a little lemon instead - just for flavor!

Modern people pay a lot of attention to the quality and composition of the diet. A carefully selected diet helps with intense physical activity. He is also responsible for what levels of emotional stress will pass without consequences.

Composition of products

Any product, like fuel for the body, can be conditionally represented in the form of parts:

  • energy;
  • construction;
  • auxiliary, performing the functions of regulation;
  • critical to human life.

The general imbalance of any component in the consumed products leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Energy substances in products

Fats in foods are a slow source of energy. It takes a long time for the body to break them down. Functions of fats:

  1. Maintaining a constant energy level.
  2. Stocks to provide all body systems.
  3. transport of vitamins.
  4. Thermal and mechanical insulation.
  5. In combination with minerals and vitamins building function.
  6. Regulation of metabolic processes.

Fats in foods are the most important part of the food you eat. Without them, the clear and stable operation of all systems and organs will be disrupted.

Their deficiency contains another danger - vulnerability. The slightest malnutrition or a change in environmental conditions will be real shocks to life.

Products and their fat content

If you read the composition on the package, you will notice that the manufacturer indicates the rate of fat content in 100 g of the product. But a person needs a certain amount of a substance per day. According to the research of modern nutritionists, it is possible to derive a specific norm for the consumption of fats in foods for an individual. The norm of fat in the daily diet of a person is 70-154 g for men and 60-102 g for women.

The content of fats in products of different groups

Name Percent Daily Value Per 200g Serving
Vegetable oil
animal fat
Raw smoked brisket
Cod liver
Sunflower seeds
Dry yolk
Pork fat
Smoked sausage
Puff pastry with cream
Egg powder
milk chocolate
Pork stew
Swiss cheese
Pork sausages
Russian cheese
Halva tahini
Sunflower halva
Boiled sausage
Puff pastry with apple
Dairy sausages
Whole milk powder
Cheeses and curd masses
saury large
Sour cream 20%
Beef stew
Fat cottage cheese
Pork tongue
sausage mince
Tourist breakfast (pork)
Caviar caviar granular
Processed cheese
quail egg
Chicken egg

Useful functions of fats

Maintaining a constant energy level

A person eats differently. Every day the body consumes various foods, the number of calories is not constant. Healthy fats are needed to smooth these surges.

They form a depreciation reserve. For example, the body does not receive the required amount of energy. As a result, useful fat reserves begin to break down, containing the necessary energy supply.

Lack of energy is a common occurrence during illness. The body needs calories. Heat and intensive transport of nutrients - necessary condition convalescence. At the same time, there may be a loss of appetite and a decrease in digestive functions. Fats play the role of the only source of energy, providing the necessary functionality of all systems. Therefore, very thin people get sick hard and for a long time, in comparison with individuals of normal or dense physique.

emergency supplies

Do not think that we are talking about hunger as such. As a result of a disruption in the functioning of some body systems, primarily the digestive system, a picture of zero absorption of nutrients can be observed. This can be caused by reactions to drugs, poisoning, allergies. The most common case is water loss. Severe diarrhea, dysentery, food poisoning, salt imbalance. In this case, the last useful reserves in the form of a fatty layer are used. During the splitting, water and energy are produced.

transport function

Many vitamins, which are vital catalysts for processes, are dissolved and transported with the help of fat and fatty acids. Without this, they simply do not digest. What vitamins are very important:

  1. A - functioning and adaptation of vision;
  2. D - vitamins of this group are responsible for the formation and restoration bone tissue;
  3. E - provides nutrition to skin cells, regeneration of integuments and membranes internal organs, as well as the walls of blood vessels;
  4. K - is responsible for coagulation, bone metabolism, kidney function, and the synthesis of complex protein molecules.

Thermal and mechanical functions

A layer of fat protects against hypothermia. It's not just about the subcutaneous layer. The body builds up similar protective zones around important organs to insulate them and prevent heat loss. In addition, the layer of adipose tissue protects against mechanical stress - sharp blows or shocks. It acts as a shock absorber, preventing injury.

Role in the building processes of the body

Fat and fatty acids, along with minerals and vitamins, are an integral part of many processes associated with the formation of structures. For example, bones with an insufficient amount of fat will be fragile, their growth slows down. Walls blood vessels recover more slowly, the lack of fats, especially of plant origin, makes them fragile.

All cellular structures contain fat and its derivatives. This substance is responsible for the state and appearance skin covers. The most important human organ - the brain - consists of 60% of adipose tissue.

Regulator of processes in the body

Fatty acids are catalysts for processes responsible for changing metabolism. A person is able to adapt to changes in climate, rhythm of life, loads of various kinds. Foods may appear and disappear in the diet. The body can change over a very wide range. All processes responsible for such variability are based on the use of unsaturated fatty acids. They are formed during the breakdown of fat from food.

Origin of fats

These important substances for the functioning of the body are of plant and animal origin. In terms of usefulness for humans, animal products are in the background. Fats of this type form saturated acids, which the body can perfectly synthesize itself in the required quantities. Animal fats play the role of an energy source. But when converted, an excess of fatty acids is obtained, which upset the balance. Assimilation of protein worsens, diabetes, rapid obesity may develop.

Vegetable products and fats are a source of unsaturated acids that are involved in many key processes. Molecules of vegetable fats are useful, they are quickly broken down by the body. "Vegetarian" products help the body adapt to changing living conditions, regulate the metabolism of cholesterol and other substances, and help the transport of vitamins and minerals. Food of this kind contains fiber, which favorably affects the functioning digestive system and intestines.

You should not get involved in fatty foods. The habit of the body to create a reserve can quickly turn into a painful state, which is very dangerous.

The danger of obesity

Huge reserves of subcutaneous fat are unnecessary and harmful.

  • The first and most important danger is the load on the heart and the inefficient functioning of the circulatory system. The entire mass of fat is penetrated by the smallest capillaries. It is physically very difficult for the heart to pump blood through such small vessels in a huge volume. That's why it's growing arterial pressure, the heart rate increases. In addition, the load is unstable. An arrhythmia or heart murmur may develop.
  • The second danger is mass. This is a load on the joints and bones. Obesity develops in most cases when the skeletal structure is already formed. As a result, the body no longer has time to strengthen the joints and increase the thickness of the bones. Legs start to hurt. If a person moves a lot while being overweight, there may be problems with the tendons where they attach to the bone. Muscles are able to create force with a large margin, and connective tissues and connection points can not withstand the load.
  • We recommend to study:

One of the most important components living cell is fat. This concentrate of energy and vitality of the body helps to survive difficult times and adverse environmental conditions. Lipids are divided into two large groups: animal fats and vegetable oils. In addition, they are divided into simple and complex, there are harmful and useful.

General characteristics of fats

Fats are organic compounds responsible for the "reserve fund" of energy in the body. Lipids supply the body with important polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, arachidonic, linolenic, linoleic acids, which are not produced independently in the body. Major classes of lipids: triglycerides, sterols, and phospholipids.

  1. 1 Triglycerides. These include saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, made up of glycerol and three carbon chains. Here are examples of foods that contain them in large quantities:
    . unsaturated fatty acidsfish fat, oils of nuts, seeds, fruits of plants sunflower, olive, corn, etc. are very important for maintaining the health of the whole organism.
    . Saturated fatty acids usually found in animal foods. For example, the meat of various animals, cheese and milk.
  2. 2 Sterols present in almost all tissues of animals and plants. Sterols can be divided into three categories: zoosterols (from animals), phytosterols (from plants), and mycosterols (from fungi). The main sterol of the animal world is cholesterol - the most popular and controversial type of fat for the body. It is found in fatty meat, butter, liver, eggs, and other high-fat foods. As for plant sterols, the most common of them is sitosterol. Also, plants are rich in stigmasterol and brassicasterol. This set of sterols is present in soybean oil and rapeseed oil.
  3. 3 Phospholipids. Consist of glycerol, phosphoric acid and two carbon chains. Phospholipids are an important part cell membranes. They provide the plastic properties of cell membranes, while cholesterol provides them with rigidity and stability. Phospholipids are the main source of phosphoric acid necessary for human life.

Foods rich in fats:

The approximate amount is indicated in 100 g of the product

+ 40 more high-fat foods ( the number of grams in 100 g of the product is indicated):
Raw smoked brisket 66 saury large 20,9 Rabbit 12,9 Gobies 8,1
Dry yolk 52,2 Ham 20,9 Beef 12,4 chickens 7,8
Pork fat 49,3 Herring 19,5 beef tongue 12,1 horsemeat 7,0
Raw smoked sausage 45 Soya 17.3 Turkey 12,0 Dried porcini mushrooms 6,8
goose liver 39 Pork tongue 16,8 Chicken egg 11,5 Carp 5,3
Egg powder 37,3 Mutton 15,3 Sturgeon 10,9 Pork liver 3,6
bitter chocolate 35,4 Salmon 15,1 Sturgeon caviar 10 Pig's heart 3,2
Goose 33,3 Caviar caviar granular 13,8 beef brains 9,5 Beef liver 3,1
Acne 30,5 beef udder 13,7 chickens 8,8 Pork kidneys 3,1
Lean pork 27,8 quail egg 13,1 catfish 8,5 beef heart 3,0

Daily requirement of the body for fats Modern dietetics indicates that in order to provide the body with sufficient energy, the amount of fat in our diet should be at least 30%. It is worth considering that 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 kcal. It is recommended to consume 10% saturated fats and 20% unsaturated fats. Permissible daily allowance for cholesterol healthy person should be no higher than 300 mg, and for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is calculated according to the doctor's recommendations.

The need for fat increases: . Hard physical work is impossible without sufficient consumption of fatty foods, which keep the body feeling full longer, are high in calories.
. Cold season. Cold forces you to spend additional energy on heating, in addition, adipose tissue perfectly protects the body from hypothermia.
. Pregnancy and lactation. During this period, significant changes occur in the woman's body, and part of the fat is used to feed the baby.
. The lack of fat-soluble vitamins in the body is a signal from the body about the additional need for fat-containing foods, except, of course, for the vitamins themselves.
. Lack of energy. Decreased libido.

Reduced need for fat . With increased body weight. The amount of fat consumed must be reduced, but not completely eliminated from the diet!
. When living in a hot climate, as well as the onset of the warm season.
. Performing work related to mental work requires carbohydrate foods, but not fatty foods.

Fat digestibility As mentioned above, all fats are divided into vegetable and animal. From materials medical research it became known that vegetable fats are absorbed faster than animal fats. This is due to the fact that their chemical bonds are less resistant to the effects of gastric juice. Most often, vegetable fats are used for quick energy. Animal fats keep you feeling full for a longer time due to their slow digestion. Statistics show that men prefer to consume more animal fats, and women are fans of vegetable fats.

Fats and Health Conventionally, nutritionists divide all fats into useful and harmful for the body. Healthy fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids found in vegetable oils, as well as oily fish and egg yolk (lecithin). As for unhealthy fats, they include fats obtained as a result of cracking oil processing, fats subjected to prolonged heating, as well as fats obtained during the processing of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Harmful fats are commonly found in margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oil, and foods containing them.

Beneficial features fat and its effect on the body The construction of cell membranes, the synthesis of sex hormones, the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K - these are just some of the important functions that fat performs in the human body. Fat protects our body from the cold, plays the role of a "safety cushion" for the heart, liver, kidneys during various bodily injuries, and provides energy during a long hunger strike. In addition, fat is essential for the normal functioning of our brain and nervous system.

Interaction with essential elements As you might guess, essential elements are substances and compounds that can interact with each other. For fats, these essential elements are fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is at the top of this list. It is found in foods such as carrots, persimmons, bell peppers, liver, sea buckthorn berries, and also in egg yolks. Thanks to him, our body has the ability not only to resist all kinds of infections, but also can present itself in the best possible way. Imagine: healthy skin, luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, and most importantly - Good mood!!! And all this is the result of using vitamin A.

Now for vitamin D. This vitamin provides an invaluable service to our bone and cartilage system. Previously, when a person did not receive the amount of vitamin D due to him, he fell ill with a disease such as rickets. What a person looked like at this time can be guessed without further description. Vitamin D is found in foods such as extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, liver, and it can also be produced by our bodies with sufficient levels of insolation. Due to exposure to the sun, a person not only tans, but also stocks up on vitamin D, which is so necessary for him. But, as mentioned earlier, these vitamins can be absorbed only in the presence of fat-solvent. Therefore, a lack of fat can lead to exhaustion of the entire body.

Signs of excess fat Now we have to discuss such an important problem for human health as excess fat. Since elements of physical inactivity are inherent in modern society, the result of this phenomenon is excessive deposition of fat in the body, or simply obesity. As a result of this, the following changes occur in the human body:
. Increases blood clotting;
. The processes of formation of hepatic and gallstones;
. Atherosclerosis develops;
. There are degenerative processes in the liver, kidneys and spleen;
. Well, to top off the bouquet, there is an increase in blood pressure, stress on the heart, as well as changes in the bone and cartilage apparatus.

Signs of low fat The lack of fat consumption affects not only the fact that a person does not receive the amount of energy he needs for life, but it is even more dangerous for the nervous system. As a result of the restriction of fats, or in violation of the fat balance, a person develops the so-called depletion of the nervous system. This is because the fat-soluble vitamins they eat (such as vitamin A and D) are unable to be absorbed by the body. And the result of this vitamin starvation, in addition to the depletion of the nervous system itself, is also atrophic changes in the eyes, problems with nails, hair, skin, as well as problems with the reproductive system. In addition, with a lack of fat consumption, there is a decrease in the body's resistance to all kinds of infections, hormonal imbalance, and early aging of the body.

Factors Affecting Body Fat . The main factor responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body is hypodynamia. It is followed by the so-called violation of lipid metabolism. This violation, in addition to body fat, can also be the cause of early atherosclerosis. Interesting fact : residents of Japan, China and the Mediterranean, who consume large amounts of greens and seafood, do not suffer from this violation.
. The next factor affecting body fat is stress. Because of him, people stop feeling their body, and he arranges for them such a trick with the appearance of excess weight.
. The third factor is hormone. Violation of fat metabolism is often associated with an increase in the level of estrogen in the body.

Cholesterol. Harm and benefit

So much has been said and written about him! For some, cholesterol becomes the number one enemy in the fight for health and longevity. However, as evidenced by many medical sources, cholesterol in optimal amounts is not harmful. It is simply necessary for our body. Cholesterol is essential for normal blood clotting. It is responsible for the integrity of the cell membrane of erythrocytes. plays important role in the functioning of the tissues of the brain, liver and nervous system. The body is able to synthesize cholesterol on its own from incoming nutrients. And only a certain amount (about 25%) enters the body with food.

Excessive consumption of fatty foods can lead to the deposition of excess cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. This leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which is main reason starvation of all body cells, access of blood to which was blocked by cholesterol deposits. Therefore, in order to avoid atherosclerosis, it is necessary to reduce fat intake to a reasonable minimum.

Fats in the fight for harmony and beauty

Sometimes, people who want to lose weight completely eliminate fats from their diet. At first, a decrease in body weight can please, but then, due to the fact that the body does not receive important vitamins and minerals, it may appear unpleasant symptoms:

  1. 1 irritability,
  2. 2 dry skin
  3. 3 fragility of hair and nails.

It turns out that healthy fats play an important role in metabolic rate.

To maintain health, it is also necessary to maintain the ratio between fats. At the same time, Omega-3 and Omega-6 should be in a ratio of 1: 2. And the introduction of vegetable oils into the diet will prevent the formation of early wrinkles, will be an excellent prevention of dry skin and loss of its elasticity.

If there is a lack of body fat, it is necessary to consume such an amount of fat that some of them are stored in reserve. If you need to reduce your weight, it is better to eat fatty foods in the morning. In this case, the released energy will not be put aside "for a rainy day", but will immediately go to its destination.

We have collected the most important points about fat in this illustration and we will be grateful if you share the picture in social network or blog, with a link to this page:

When you look at a product's guaranteed nutritional value, don't be embarrassed to look at the heading "fats".

As many as four types of fats can fall into this category: saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and trans fats. In addition to what is written on the package, today it is necessary to have an idea of ​​which fats are good for the body and which ones should not be consumed at all.

Most people assume that if a product contains a high amount of fat, then it becomes unhealthy. Unfortunately, this assumption is not always correct. Of course, this may seem like a joke, but this article will help you understand what fats are.

AT this post you will find a list of foods containing healthy fats. These are 13 high-fat foods that must be added to your diet.

To understand the essence nutritional value fats, you first need to understand how fats differ.

Common types of fats

Carbohydrates are sometimes referred to as a macronutrient or nutrient, which the body needs in large quantities to function properly.

Fats are also classified as a macronutrient and must also be consumed by the body. However, like carbohydrates, not all fats are equally nutritious. In fact, some fats, such as trans fats, can be very unhealthy.

By the way, saturated fat and trans fats are two well-known classes of fats, while monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats seem to scare people the most. It all depends on how well informed you are.

Let's take a look at the 4 types of fats most commonly found in foods.

Saturated fats are organic substances in which all carbon bonds are single. Saturated fats can be found in animal and vegetable fats, oils, red meat, eggs, and nuts.

You may have heard different information about saturated fats. Some studies say there is no evidence that unsaturated fats increase the risk of heart disease. Although other studies, such as those made by the American Heart Association, state that saturated fat increases cholesterol levels and should be limited to no more than 10% of the daily intake.

In fact, in those studies that have concluded that there is no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, it has also been noted that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Indeed, the American Committee of Dietetics recently reviewed the data regarding cholesterol and saturated fats, resulting in the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, which do not reflect restrictions on the intake of cholesterol in diets. It has also been suggested that restrictions on saturated fat intake be reconsidered because there is no strong evidence that these fats are associated with heart disease or other diseases. The full report can be read at health.gov.

Agree, this is quite shocking news, because we have always been told to eat less fatty foods and cholesterol. But most likely we will see changes in all dietary guidelines in the coming year.

I would like to draw attention to this so that you are not afraid of fats, because. most of the healthy foods on our list contain saturated fats. Lots of natural saturated fats won't hurt. But on the other hand, there are also harmful saturated fats in the remains of congealed fat (for example, after frying bacon) and in other harmful products.

It seems to some that it is quite normal to consume food and harmful products. Of course, these products contain not only saturated fats. But the main thing we need to learn is to distinguish foods that are good from bad saturated fats.

Trans fats

Speaking of lard, trans fats can be found in unhealthy foods such as deep fried foods, fried foods, potato chips, frozen pizzas, and various non-dairy creams, etc.

Trans fat is the oil of a mad scientist. To create trans fats, hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which makes it solid at room temperature, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is also what happens with artificially-synthesized saturated fats.

The result is partially hydrogenated oils. You may have heard this term before because these oils are often used for the following reasons:

  1. They don't need to be changed as often as other oils (Think of deep fryers in fast food like McDonald's - they don't change oil often)
  2. They have a longer shelf life
  3. They are cheaper than natural oils
  4. They give us a pleasant taste

Partially hydrogenated oils should always be avoided. But not all trans fats need to be eliminated from your diet. Yes, what is found in frozen pizza and french fries should be avoided, but the part of the products that is described in the list below should definitely be on your menu.

Monounsaturated fats

So, we have come to the next essential substance, which should always be present in your diet. Monounsaturated fats, like polyunsaturated fats, should be classified as "good fats".

For starters, monounsaturated fats contain one double carbon bond. This bond means that fewer carbons are needed for synthesis compared to saturated fats, which are mostly hydrogen bonds.

Unlike saturated fats, monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. To remember this, think of olive oil - it contains high amounts of monounsaturated fats and much less saturated fats. Therefore, olive oil will not harden if spilled. However, coconut oil, which is higher in saturated fat, solidifies at room temperature. This is the easiest way to remember the difference between oils that are high in saturated and monounsaturated fats.

Finally, the last.

Polyunsaturated fats

Polyunsaturated fats have two or more double carbohydrate bonds.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in some oils, such as sunflower, safflower, and corn oil. These products should also be discarded. But these oils can also be found in healthy foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds.

It is important to note that polyunsaturated fats are considered essential, which means that they are essential for our body. You can find at least half of them on our list.

There are two types of polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are indispensable and therefore we must get them from food.

Now that you have an idea of ​​all four main types of fats, we can discuss what foods we can get them in.

Healthy fats: a list of foods that you should pay attention to

Ideally, you should get both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet, focusing mainly on omega-3s. Until now, these two types of fats were considered healthy and suitable for daily consumption. Some of the foods on our list contain saturated fats, but it's better to stick with those foods than processed ones.

We recommend adding these high-fat foods to your diet. But it is necessary to introduce foods high in fat into the diet gradually, starting from two to three times a week. Also, if you are increasing your fat intake, then lower your carbohydrate intake.

But now we will not go into such details too much. Just keep in mind: you should not eat a pie if you have eaten a lot of fatty foods.


Yogurt will help improve digestion with probiotics or live cultures and, according to research from the US National Library of Medicine, will also help you lose weight.

Thanks to the nutrients, yogurt energizes and provides a dose of calcium and protein.

Please be careful when buying yogurt: pay attention to the labels to avoid a product loaded with sugar. It's best to dilute the yogurt yourself with whatever you like, such as honey, fresh blueberries, and cinnamon.

Cheese is also an excellent source of protein, calcium, and minerals, and may be the most beneficial for appetite control.

Alana Aragona, a nutritionist and men's weight management coach, once said: “The combination of protein and fat in regular high-fat cheeses is very rich ... As a result, snacking on high-fat cheeses does not let the appetite go for hours; I have found that this reduces the amount of food my clients consume in subsequent meals."

Since this is still too fatty food, pay attention to portion sizes and adjust them as needed.


Although the next two products on the list were discussed above, they are still worth mentioning. Olive oil may contain more saturated fat than other oils, but its nutritional benefits far outweigh this disadvantage.

What does this product do useful?

As a result of research, it was found that olive oil contains many antioxidants. Olive oil can actually prevent the development of cancer cells and even cause them to die. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties thanks to a polyphenol called oleacansal. Oleacansal directly targets inflammation and pain as popular NSAID preparations but no side effects.

  1. Coconut oil

What can you say about coconut oil?

Coconut oil can improve cholesterol levels and give you a good boost of energy.

According to SFGate: "Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, which are used by the body directly for energy."

Who doesn't love an instant boost of energy?

Nuts and seeds

Nuts also provide a lot of energy, so it's good to always have them on hand. But the main problem with nuts is that they can be extremely high in fat, so portion control is a must. Limit yourself to a handful, because these guys get eaten too easily and unnoticed!

Let's take a look at this list of nuts for their fat content per 100 grams:

  • Almonds: 49 g fat, 78% of calories come from fat
  • Brazil nuts: 66 g fat, 89% of calories come from fat
  • Cashews: 44 g fat, 67% of calories come from fat
  • Hazelnuts: 61g fat, 86% of calories come from fat
  • Macadamia: 76g fat, 93% of calories come from fat
  • Pecans: 72 g fat, 93% of calories come from fat
  • Pine nuts: 68 g fat, 87% of calories come from fat
  • Pistachios: 44 g fat, 72% of calories come from fat
  • Walnut: 65g fat, 87% of calories come from fat

This list should not stop you from eating nuts, on the contrary, it should prove that in some quantities, eating nuts is a must.

Seeds can be considered like nuts: they are useful and necessary, but only in small quantities.

Some of the best seeds

  1. Chia seeds
  2. Flax seeds (ground)
  3. Pumpkin seeds (roasted, no salt)
  4. Sunflower seeds (roasted, no salt)

Despite their high fat content, chia seeds are very healthy. To be honest, flax seeds are also essential, plus they contain slightly less fat than chia seeds. Flax seeds are a source of fiber, antioxidants and essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating pumpkin seeds occasionally will provide you with antioxidants and about 50% of your recommended intake of magnesium. Mercola reports that magnesium is vital for the maintenance of bone and tooth tissue, heart function, it is involved in the relaxation of blood vessels and ensures good digestion.

As for sunflower seeds, they are also rich in antioxidants, as well as fiber and amino acids. It's safe to say that these seeds should become a mandatory part of your diet.

  1. Nut butter

The properties are similar to nuts. Peanut butter is one of those foods that should not be avoided. However, the right type of nut butter is needed, just like choosing nuts. I don’t know about you, but I love almond and nut butter the most.

Chop a stalk of celery, add almond butter, sprinkle with a little hemp or chia seeds instead of sugary raisins.


  1. Avocado

When it comes to very fatty foods, control is your best friend.

As you can see in the Nutrition Guarantee, an average serving of an avocado should be about 1/3 of a medium avocado. If you eat a whole avocado, you will get 250 calories and 22.5 grams of fat. Of course, it's okay if you eat a whole avocado because it contains 71% monounsaturated fat, one of the best types of fat.

You'll find about 20 vitamins and minerals in avocados, fiber, protein, omega-3s, 4g total carbs, and about 1.2g available carbs, so avocados are low in carbs. All these benefits make avocados an indispensable high-fat food.

Although olives are considered high in fat, they are high in monounsaturated fats, making olives an excellent addition to any diet.

As mentioned earlier, higher amounts of monounsaturated fats can be attributed to balancing blood sugar levels, lowering blood cholesterol, and lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Animal products

Eggs have a fairly high level of cholesterol, but the level of fat is also elevated.

Most of the fat is in the yolk. Therefore, most people on fat-restricted diets eat only protein. The only problem is that all the fats found in the yolks are irreplaceable.

One large egg contained 1.6 g of saturated fat, 0.7 g of polyunsaturated fat, and 2 g of monounsaturated fat. In addition to healthy fats, you will also get vitamins and minerals, thus improving your metabolism.

Red meat consumption in excess can lead to an increase in iron levels, thus reducing the elasticity of blood vessels and increasing the risk of disease. diabetes Type 2 and the development of Alzheimer's disease.

However, eating meat from time to time, such as two to three times a week, is good for your body.

LiveStrong point to the need to buy the right cuts of meat. Some cuts may have more saturated fat and cholesterol, while others, such as tenderloin, have more healthy fats in the right amounts. You can choose bison meat, it is leaner and healthier.

Instead of buying expensive fish oil supplements, consider eating fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, or mackerel.

These types of fish are high in protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the Harvard School public health: "An analysis of 20 studies containing hundreds of thousands of participants found that eating one or two three-ounce servings of oily fish per week - salmon, herring, mackerel, sprat or sardines - reduces the risk of heart disease by 36%."

Other foods containing healthy fats for weight loss

Yes, chocolate is useful product Of course, if you choose the right kind of chocolate. By choosing chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa, you can extract great benefits.

The Cleveland Clinic found that the fats found in cocoa butter are used in the manufacture of chocolate, such as oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat similar to that found in avocado or olive oil.

In addition to fats, chocolate boasts the content of flavonoids, a group of antioxidants.

When you eat chocolate, your body will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reducing excess cholesterol
  • Increased blood flow to the heart and arteries
  • low blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of blood clots
  • Improves mood

A piece of dark chocolate is the required amount of chocolate per day.

Fats are considered the most powerful source of energy. Their deposits protect the body from heat loss, and the insides from bruises. In turn, sources of fat are dairy products and milk itself, eggs, fish and meat. The main products containing fats are vegetable oils and animal fats. Their composition is represented by lecithin, vitamins E, A, B, as well as fatty acids - both saturated and unsaturated.

Fats from food after digestion in the stomach are sent to the intestines. There they take care of the absorption of mineral and fat-soluble substances from the tract. When eating fatty foods, a person feels full. It is noteworthy that fats can be formed in the body from proteins and carbohydrates. However, this connection is not complete. The ideal option for saturating the body is the use of vegetable and animal fats with food.

Fatty acids, the main component of fats, are classified as:

  1. saturated, with little biological value and negatively affecting the liver and lipid metabolism. Foods containing fats of this type are: coconut, beef and mutton fat, egg yolk, cheese, shrimp, lard, lobster, milk.
  2. Unsaturated fatty acids are biologically active compounds and direct participants in cholesterol and fat metabolism. What foods contain fats with such acids? These are pork and fish oil, corn and sunflower oil, olives, game, avocados, cashews, poultry meat. Their use has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and serves as the prevention of blood clots.
  3. Products containing polyunsaturated fats are seeds, fish, walnuts, margarine, almonds. Of the oils in this category include: soybean, linseed, corn, sunflower, cottonseed and rapeseed.

Food groups that are high in fat

Foods that are high in fat (between 20% and 40%) are categorized as high fat.” This includes sprats, sausages, pork, duck and goose meat, sour cream, halva, cream, milk sausages and cakes.

The list of products with fats from the category "moderate content (quantity 10 - 19.9 g) includes:

  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • beef sausages;
  • processed cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • dietary sausages;
  • mutton;
  • beef;
  • caviar;
  • herring, salmon, saury and sturgeon.

If fats in food are contained in small amounts (3 - 9.9 g), then these products are included in the category "low fat". Among them, it is worth noting lamb, beef, fatty kefir and milk ice cream, bold cottage cheese and muffin, pink salmon, mackerel and non-fat herring, as well as fondant sweets.

With a low content (less than 3 g of fat per 100 g of product) in fats, the list of products includes: low-fat cottage cheese and protein milk, bread and beans, pike and pike perch, hake and cod, cereals.

Which food contains the most fat?

The richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids are sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring. Fats in foods with such acids contribute to the full functioning of the brain, which is especially important in old age. Recommended to eat fish and cardiologists. For good heart function, it is enough to eat a couple of 100-gram servings of oily fish weekly. It can be boiled, baked or grilled.

Carbohydrates in food